Recognizing Jesus with you as you renounce Satan's lies
I've mentioned in another blog how helpful I've found some of the resources on the Roman Catholic app called "Hallow". So many of my...
Recognizing Jesus with you as you renounce Satan's lies
Betrayal and Surrender, Shame, Redemption and a Path Forward
Henri Nouwen on the necessity of "leaving family"
Clearing Obstacles from your Journey with God
Misguided Guilt
Pathways to change
A C. S. Lewis sermon relevant to keeping our perspective in the time of Covid 19
I'm sharing good advice from the Amen Brain Institute on fighting negative thoughts:
Good advice from the Amen Institute on calming your brain in this (or any other) scary time
Link to "Therapy in a Nutshell" channel on YouTube
Theologian N.T. Wright: Christianity Offers No Answers about the Coronovusus. It's not Supposed to.
Suggestions for coping during the quarantine